Far From Equilibrium at the Museum of Science and Industry
Choreography: Megan Rhyme
Physics: Elizabeth Hicks
Dancers: Jackie Dennis, Sarah Gottlieb, Kathryn Hetrick, Chrissy Martin, Sara Nelson, Gretchen Soechting, Mary Wu
Music: Phillip Glass
videography by Nadia Oussenko and Steve Tarzia
Excerpt from Far From Equilibrium, a work for seven dancers created in collaboration with physicist Elizabeth Hicks. Far From Equilibrium explores turbulence, a chaotic twisting and stretching of fluid studied by fluid dynamics. Turbulence is in most places in the universe: in cream stirred into coffee, in the raging, swirling flames of forest fires on Earth, and even in massive explosions of energy from the surface of our Sun. However, this chaotic, complex, unstable fluid phenomenon is mysterious, even to the scientists who study it.